In true continuous improvement fashion, Cycle 5 of the Show Me Challenge brought forward some amazing ideas to solve problems and enhance the way we do our work. We transitioned to just one cycle per year, which allowed the teams from across the state a few additional weeks to prepare their best final presentations. The finalist were able to present in person on September 17, 2021, with social distancing accommodations. The judges considered the pitches’ quality, practicality, and potential for impact. As the pandemic has given us all practice in virtual spaces, we were also able to live-stream and record the finalists’ presentations. Check them out below!
Congratulations to the winners!

Motor Vehicle & Driver’s License (MVDL) Electronic Notifications

OA Document

A New Dimension in Laboratory Supplies
The proposed solution is to develop an online subscription process that would allow citizens to create and manage their own (user specific) electronic notification preferences. The citizen would be given the option to choose to receive electronic notifications for their driver license, motor vehicle records or both.
Team Members:
Dana O’Connell
Dustin Fortson
Karen Dudenhoeffer
Lexi Holt
Gina Wisch
Tracye Harmon
Department of Revenue – MVDL Division
Department of Revenue – MVDL Division
Department of Revenue – Motor Vehicle Bureau
Department of Revenue – Driver License Bureau
Department of Revenue – Driver License Bureau
Information Technology Services
The purpose of this project is to digitize incoming mail documents, historical documents that are retained to meet statutory requirements for retention, or internal and external sourced documents that drive data input to state electronic systems. This will greatly reduce physical space for storage, provide flexibility to the workforce for accessing documents, and further enhance COOP/COG readiness.
Team Members:
Jessica Caddell
Tom Sholes
Amanda Buschmann
Travis Rehagen
Dorothy Kerr
OA/General Services
OA/General Services
The laboratory should move towards the mass production of key plastic consumables by recycling laboratory grade plastic waste and using that material to 3D print the plastic supplies that are needed. On a small scale, the laboratory has already successfully produced a number of plastic products using the 3D printer; additionally, there is nearly 1500lbs of plastic waste currently being discarded that could be recycled. By investing in several pieces of specialized equipment, a workflow would be established to transform this plastic waste into the material used by the 3D printer for the production of plastic supplies. The overall goal is to make the laboratory more self-sufficent when it comes to our supply of plastic consumables.
Team Members:
Adam Perkins
Richard Sapp
Mary Barrioz
Partnering with Google to give Highway Patrol the ability to enter crashes, debris, road closures, etc remotely. Develop an easy to use interface that would allow radio operators to enter debris, crash sites, and traffic back ups into Google Maps as they are received and cleared. This would both help the Highway Patrol with public safety by reducing the amount of crashes caused by debris and secondary crashes, and will assist Google Maps in keeping their traffic maps updated on incidents.
Team Members:
Eugenia Howe
Andrew Hanson
Christopher Feilner
Tarlice James
Deven Boyd
Steven White
Troop C Radio, Missouri Highway Patrol
Troop C Radio, Missouri Highway Patrol
Troop C Radio, Missouri Highway Patrol
Troop C Radio, Missouri Highway Patrol
Troop C Radio, Missouri Highway Patrol
Develop an online tool using ArcGIS Survey123. This application produces online forms for gathering, sharing, assessing, and tracking data across desktop, web, and mobile platforms. The solution will consist of three elements. 1) Online reporting form – a clean looking and simplified form will be mobile device adaptive, allow direct capture of location coordinates and photos from the device while onsite, and allow direct submission without needing to email. 2) Bloom dashboard – Email notification will now contain a link to view a dashboard instead of a PDF attachment. The dashboard will display report details such as confirmation of the presence of cyanobacteria, waterbody use, waterbody management, and response actions taken. Staff from any agency will be able to quickly view and enter real-time updates of response activities.
Team Members:
Lynn Milberg
Alan Moreau
Jeff Wenzel
Melissa Reynolds
Jason Hinsen
Rebecca O’Hearn
Heather Feeler
April Sevy
DNR/Environmental Quality
DNR/Environmental Quality
DHSS/Community and Public Health
DHSS/Community and Public Health
MDC/Science Branch
MDC/Relevancy Branch
Having a statewide foster parent referral and recognition program will not only streamline the process for foster parents making referrals, but it also will allow CD to monitor and track inquiries and foster parent recruiters. We need statewide commitment and support for the implementation of a foster parent recruitment and recognition program that would allow us to reach our goal of having 3 foster homes for every 10 children in foster care.
Team Members:
Lauren Masterson
Pam Alston
Jessica Huckstep
Dana Kloess
Angela Bolt
Kari Knapp
Tara Patterson
DSS/Children’s Division
DSS/Children’s Division
DSS/Children’s Division
DSS/Children’s Division
DSS/Children’s Division
DSS/Children’s Division
DSS/Children’s Division
Sixteen hours of Outdoor Leave (OL) will be added to leave categories for all state employees. OL must be used with another state employee. Employees using OL will report their coworker’s name in the notes section of their timesheet to improve workplace relationships and address accountability. OL will not carry over from one year to the next. Qualifying outdoor time can range from sitting in a park to taking a walk to fishing – or even participating in a nature program. We believe this benefit will move the needle on employee motivation and enthusiasm, because of nature’s universal appeal. While no additional budget dollars are being requested, we recognize there is an opportunity cost. However, by increasing motivation and enthusiasm, we expect productivity to rise.
Team Members:
A.J. Campbell
Lorisa Smith
Lauren Hildreth
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Conservation